Andam dizendo por aí que Angelina Jolie e Brad Pitt, o casal mais perfeito do mundo midiático, está prestes a se separar. O que é novo nessa história é que as coisas estão tomando uma proporção assustadora. Se for verdade o que certos tablóides divulgaram nesta semana, Jolie anda avisando aos amigos e ao próprio marido que pensa seriamente em se matar.
Chegou inclusive a escrever um bilhete de despedida, segundo o National Enquirer.
A notícía diz:
"Brad was in France checking on their chateau recently, and Angelina was in Los Angeles with the kids when she called him in a panic," a friend divulged.
"She told him, 'When you're not around, I get these terrible feelings. I got the same feelings when I was younger, and that's when I tried to kill myself.'
"Angelina said, 'I feel lost without you. I'm being abandoned.'"
Nice Brad reassured high-strung Angelina he wasn't leaving for good, even if they're apart, saying "I'll always be there for you and the kids, I promise.'"
Ainda de acordo com a reportagem, uma pessoa próxima afirmou que: “Things have not been good. A couple weeks ago they had a massive argument. Angelina threatened to kill herself over it. It was very ugly. I have never seen her look so frail and desperate. The kids were within earshot. I’d be amazed if Angie poses on the red carpet with Brad at Cannes. For that performance along she would deserve an Oscar.”